Message: 3
   Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 09:37:52 EDT
Subject: Re: Response to Peter Moran

    Go back to your hospital!  Stay with CM!  This list is for those wanting 
and choosing alternative methods for cancer, who do not necessarily want to 
relie on your only 3 ways.  The only thing that you do is discredit, 
discredit, discredit AM and praise CM.  I say stick with CM Peter!  Go for 
it!  You do not offer anything with AM that is positive.  I'm sick of reading 
your posts and your constant garble on CM.  You send these statistics (alot 
can be said about statistics value also) that only CM has the "ability to 
show concrete, scientific results."  Well, your right!  CM has made it this 
way, they are the only ones they feel are "intelligent" enough to find the 
answers, but only if they can maintain their status quo.  If any AM facility 
even thought of doing what CM does,  take tens of thousands of people, 
experiment on them and  publish the results.......The FDA, AMA and drug 
companies would probably run in there with guns, throw everyone in jail and 
slam the place shut!  Maybe that's what you want to see happen. I wonder  
which road you will choose when you develop cancer, if you do.  And you can 
thank your constant companion, CM, for not allowing you to have honest 
answers to honest questions.  Did you know that approximately 80% of your own 
collegees choose not to go the route of conventional treatment for cancer due 
to the "unacceptable level of toxicity?"  How do you like those statistics, 
Peter?  I am going to find that "data" for you and publish it here.  Maybe 
this is just one you "overlooked?'  I say, Never trust a doctor who won't 
take his own adivce!
    It's funny how doctors like you are so blind-sided by the "junk" that has 
been poured into your brains since medical school.  I think your brainwashed 
and unable to think clearly for yourself.  You have a one track mind.  And 
Peter, you're on the wrong track!  If you go back to the "beginning" of 
conventional medicine in an organized manner, you will find that it all 
started based on Pasteur's "theory,"  Which he admitted on his deathbed that 
he was wrong and Decamp (sp?), whose theory basically AM now goes with, was 
right.  But it was too late, they thought then, to turn back now.  Wouldn't 
they look incompentent!  Go back to the beginning Peter, and re-learn it all. 
 CM has added alot in many ways, but it does not , by far, have all the 
answers or even the correct approach, in many cases.    But too many 
egotistical folks already involved and dependent on these incomes that CM is 
able to provide them have been blinded by greed.  If CM loses the monopoly 
they have on "medicine" , they would lose their million dollar homes, the 
BMW, the trips to "wherever" etc.  CM has a "vested" interest in anything AM 
NOT succeeding.  They don't want the answers Peter,  they want the money!  
Maybe , your the same way...........
    There are a few basic, simple truths......1) radiation causes cancer  2) 
Toxins are not good for you  3) Your body is fearfully and wonderfully made  
4)  CM is not God, they do not have all the answers.....................Even 
the answers they think they have are only supported because it increases a 
line of bank accounts and this is the only support doctors can offer without 
losing their license and their "status."  Here's another stat for you Peter, 
I'll find this one too.....When classes of "to be" doctors were polled, the 
top two reasons given for entering the medical field were 1) money & 2) 
prestige.  It seems the most egotistical and greedy people want to be 
"conventional doctors!"